New Folks Contact Us: 

Contact our office today! Fill in the blanks and your quote is on the way.

Some topics for your consideration:

We shop for a Medicare Part D-Prescription Drug plan (RX) to match your yearly needs.

You must have Government Hospital A and Medical B to sign up for Supplement or Advantage.

Underage 65? We DON'T represent the ACA insurance market, but DO handle disability coverage.

If you still work, great, we will compare your group plan to Medicare plans, it's about your costs not work!

We can guide you up as early as 6 months before your 65th birthdate so you can budget.

Keeping a COBRA plan past age 65 could be very expensive, let's discuss.

Need to change your Part D, Enrollment is October 15. Are you on our mailing list for current info?

After age 65 OPEN ENROLLMENT, you must answer health questions by the Insurance Carrier.

Medicare Supplements Letter Plans are A-M, also called Medigap coverage.

Dementia, Cancers and Insulin Diabetics (etc.) canNOT be declined for a Part C Plan.

We can guide you where to shop for your prescriptions while in the "gap" of Part D.

Do you know what or where your "formulary booklet" is?

Medicare may not cover your OBSERVATION time at the hospital, make sure you ask.

We offer dental insurance and discount plans as well as life insurance for all ages, even grandkiddies.

1-800-732-9202 or